
The ruling in favor of Dominga by the Environmental Court of Antofagasta revives the possibility of executing a project that, as has been conclusively demonstrated, represents an irreparable environmental damage to the local ecosystem and biodiversity. However, little has been discussed about its impact on the science, innovation, and research being developed in the country.

The project is located in one of the communes declared as areas with scientific and research value for astronomical observation by the Ministry of Science. This is due to its proximity to cutting-edge scientific infrastructure such as the Las Campanas, La Silla observatories, and the future Giant Magellan Telescope.

The light impact of Dominga puts at risk the significant investment in astronomical scientific research in the area. Additionally, it impacts other sustainable productive activities that require dark skies, such as astrotourism.

Unfortunately, the extended environmental processing of this project lags behind the implementation of the new Lighting Standard of the Ministry of the Environment. This regulation came into effect in October of this year and establishes specific restrictions on the emission of artificial light in areas of interest for astronomy and biodiversity, aiming to preserve the scientific and natural heritage of our country.

We hope that these new instances of discussion will consider the aforementioned background, as the excellent reputation and leadership of our country in astronomical development worldwide are at stake.

-Daniela González Espinoza, Executive Director of the Cielos de Chile Foundation

Letter extracted from La Tercera.

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